Who to Contact and When

We are here to help. The best people to talk with you about your application or award are the staff working in the NIH Institute or Center that may fund the grant. We strongly encourage you to communicate with NIH staff throughout the grant life cycle. The information on this page can help you understand the roles of NIH staff and help you contact the right person at each phase of the application and award process.
There are several critical contact points and people for applicants to be aware of during the process. Your first and most important contact throughout the process is the Program Official (PO) within the NIH Institute or Center that best fits your product or technology.
How and when your Program Official (PO) can best help:
- When you first come up with your technology/research idea, schedule a phone consultation with a PO. You should prepare a Specific Aims page or concept page (many ICs require this prior to a phone consultation).
- After the CSR review of your application and the release of your Summary Statement, schedule a time with your PO to review the Summary Statement and possible changes to your application (in a resubmitted application). This may begin an iterative process.
- Before or after Advisory Council meetings, your PO may request that you prepare a response to reviewer concerns. If your application is selected for funding the PO may ask questions during the pre-award due diligence process.
- Access contact information for program officials. Unsure who to contact? Reach out to us.
There are other NIH staff you may contact for specific application and grant award questions
Center for Scientific Review (CSR) Division of Receipt and Referral
It is in your best interest to review the CSR website to understand the focus and membership of the study sections available.
Once your application is assigned to an NIH Institute or Center and the Review Study Section:
- Using standard guidelines, CSR will assign your application to the appropriate NIH Institute(s) or Center(s) and to just one study section. Review the assignments and you may contact CSR with concerns or to request changes (the PO is also a good contact for these requests).
- Contact the Center for Scientific Review
Grants Management Official (GMO)
Once you have been notified that your application is being considered for the award:
- GMO will contact you to request your Just -In-Time (JIT) information. Review the links provided in the GMO email and prepare all required documents. Contact your GMO with questions
- GMO will also request the finalized budget. If changes are needed, provide any revisions to your budget to the GMO.
eRA Service Desk
- When registering your company in the NIH systems you must provide all required company information. Contact the eRA Service Desk if you have any questions or concerns.
- If the application has errors or is withdrawn, determine areas for which you need clarity and contact the eRA Service Desk.
- Contact eRA.
Access contact information for program and grants management officials from participating HHS Agencies.
Please connect with your Program Official first if you’re unsure who to contact after your application has been submitted.