Blueprint MedTech Q&A Webinar
Blueprint MedTech will hold a Q&A Webinar for potential applicants on January 20, 2022, to answer questions about the funding opportunities and the application process. The first few minutes will be used to show the recording on the funding opportunities (See recording on our website at BP MedTech Webinars). Those who have viewed the video ahead of time do not need to join the meeting until 15 minutes in (11:15 AM EST) for the Translator Q&A.
PAR-21-315 Blueprint MedTech Translator (UG3/UH3 - Clinical Trial Optional)
PAR-21-282 Blueprint MedTech: Small Business Translator (U44)
All investigators interested in learning about the BP MedTech program are encouraged to register and participate.
You can also submit questions before the meeting to [email protected].
Next receipt date: Friday, Feb. 18